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Website Development

24 Jul, 2017

Stay Updated With These Blogs On Website Development

If there is one thing which is common between a writer, an artist, a thinker or a researcher, it is their common love for reading. Reading expands your horizon and gives you new ideas. In the domain of website development it is important that you do a lot of reading in order to keep yourself updated and well informed. Here is a list of some web development blogs which can be of considerable help. You can choose the blogs depending upon the topic of your choice.

 Codrops – This is one of the premium blogs in the domain of website development and covers topics ranging from UI designs to page animations. It also includes various topics on general java script practice and contains a handy referral guide to CSS

HTML5 Doctor– This blog basically covers every topic which a user should be aware of while switching from HTML to HTML5.

CSS– CSS is not just merely blog dealing on topics related to page styles, it instead involves issues related to web performance, extensible component development and on how CSS interacts with other technologies like JavaScript and HTML. It is video blog which makes it even more worthy of a visit.

Superhero.js – This blog is a must read option for both a beginner as well as for a programmer who has been working in the domain of website development. It contains a lot of information related to front-end security and upcoming ECMAScript standards.

Tutorialzone– As the name suggests this blog features purely on giving tutorials about subjects related to HTML5, CSS, Jquery, Java Script or PHP, Apart from this it also features spotlights on handy libraries and templates.

CSS Author– If you are looking for some inspiration to bring something innovative into your regular web development work, the CSS author might be your ideal choice. It contains a number of PSD design and tools, along with other freebies, which can give you some great input.

Creative Blog– This blog deals purely on ideas how grid system works and how big data or CSS functions in the real world scenario.

Day’s Aggregator– This blog is not a niche specific blog, instead it covers a wide spectrum of topics related to web development. Subjects like Crowdfunding, version control and code editor plays a big role in the modern workflow. It is great place for beginners to start updating their knowledge base.

Smashing Magazine– This blog is meant for someone who wishes to be a front end developer. This blogs deals you with topics related to Coding graphics, mobile development, CMS framework and coding graphics.

It is important to note that all the blogs put more emphasis on JavaScript, SQL server and Java based topics. However, important information on other topics is not hard to obtain if followed on a regular basis.

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